Friday, March 19, 2010

Sociology & Anthropology Trivia Question 4

What is the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis?

a. The idea that society has several different groups.
b. The idea that gestures supplement our words.
c. The idea that language creates ways of thinking and perceiving.
d. The idea that there are specified times when it is acceptable to break norms.

The answer is C, The idea that language creates ways of thinking and perceiving!

The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis was developed by Edward Sapir and Benjamin Whorf. They developed this hypothesis in the 1930's after examining the Hopi Indians. Also know as the linguistic relativity principle, it is the idea that the varying cultural concepts and categories inherent in different languages affect how people cognitively classify experiences in such a way that speakers of different languages think and behave differently because of it.

Stay curious,
Team ARC

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