Monday, August 31, 2009

International Studies Trivia Question 5

In what country is Neuschwanstein Castle?

a. France
b. Austria
c. Switzerland
d. Germany

The answer is D, Germany!

(Bonus Trivia: this is one of the castles Walt Disney used to model the Cinderella's Castle in the Magic Kingdom.)

Stay curious,
Team ARC

Friday, August 28, 2009

Poem of the Day

The bustle in a house
The morning after death
Is solemnest of industries
Enacted upon earth,--

The sweeping up the heart,
And putting love away
We shall not want to use again
Until eternity.

~Emily Dickinson

Stay curious,
Team ARC

International Studies Trivia Question 4

What does this mean?

a. Great Wall
b. Beijing
c. Emperor
d. Hong Kong

The Answer is D, Hong Kong!

(FYI, the meaning of the words "Hong Kong" is "Fragrant Harbor." We haven't been there so we can't attest to the fact; if you have let us know!)

Stay curious,
Team ARC

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Anti-procrastination tip #2

Break big, scary assignments down

A procrastinator’s worst enemy (besides a marathon of Top Chef) is the monumental assignment waiting to be done. The longer we avoid it, the more daunting it seems. One way to make those assignments less nebulous and forbidding is to break it down into little pieces. Instead of saying to yourself “Agh I have to write that 8 page paper for English,” say “I’ll work on the intro paragraph for that paper today.” Instead of writing in your planner “read homework for Religious Studies,” break the assignment into smaller specific pieces based on your attention span: plan to read pgs 1-10 in the morning, 11-20 in the afternoon, and so on. This way you don’t have to stress about having to find time and energy to tackle the entire beast at once, but rather you have to simply fit into your schedule the very non-scary and feasible smaller pieces of the now non-frightening monster that was once making it impossible for you to sleep at night.

Stay curious,
Team ARC

International Studies Trivia Question 3

This is the _____ flag.

a. Russian
b. German
c. Austrian
d. French

This answer is A!

Spasiba! (that's "thank you" in Russian).

Stay curious,
Team ARC

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

International Studies Trivia Question 2

Which of the following scenes from the movie Braveheart is historically accurate?

a. Princess Isabelle bore William Wallace’s son
b. The Scots of 1280 AD wore belts with their kilts
c. King Edward enacting primae noctis in Scotland
d. Williams Wallace was defeated with the Scots at the Battle of Falkirk

The answer is D!

Stay curious,
Team ARC

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

International Studies Trivia Question 1

Where is this building?

a. Paris, France
b. Amsterdam, Netherlands
c. Barcelona, Spain
d. Minsk, Belarus

The answer is C: Barcelona, Spain

(If you ever have a chance, go here, this is one of the craziest buildings/space ships masquerading as a church ever dreamt up by a mad man).

Stay curious,
Team ARC

Monday, August 24, 2009

Anti-procrastination tip #1

Do the work that you DON'T want to do FIRST

As a reformed procrastinator (with occasional shameful relapses), I know the type of rationalization that goes on when you don't want to do something. Oftentimes when we have a lot of work for class to do we figure that doing the assignments that seem more interesting first will get us into the "spirit of studying" and magically help us tackle that subject that we continually avoid. For most people that is NOT the case. Try digging into that subject you're not too fond of first, because let's be honest, when we tell ourselves "I'll do it later" over and over again, most of the time we are in extreme denial!

Stay curious,
Team ARC