Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Archie Fever!

Have you met Archie yet? Archimedes the Owl (aka Archie) is the newest member of Team ARC, our lovable mascot and a dashing young fellow at that! If you haven't met him yet, be sure to learn more about him at our November 16th "Neither Rain nor Sleet nor Gloom of Night": Healthy All Nighters.

Archie is one popular owl, he has even traveled to meet another dashing little man, our Assistant Provost's son, Reed

Stay curious,
Team ARC

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

ARC Trivia Question 9

Week 9: Oct 26th - Nov. 2nd
Category: Basketball

Who is accredited to inventing basketball and where did he/she invent it?

To answer the question post a comment with your name, Stetson ID, and of course the answer!!

Stay curious,
Team ARC

ARC Trivia Answer 8

Week 8: Oct. 18th-26th
Category: Halloween
The question was where did Jack O'lanterns originate and why?
The answer is Jack O'lanterns were said to have originated in Ireland where people placed candles in hollowed-out turnips to keep ghosts and spirits away on the Samhain holiday!
Thanks to all of the Stetson students who participated!!
Stay curious,
Team ARC

Monday, October 25, 2010

Student Success Sessions!

Student Success Sessions

Want to improve your grades?
Want to procrastinate less?
Want to get the best use out of your time?

Come join us for an interactive and educational student success session!

Monday, October 25 4-5:30pm duPont Library, room 25L
Friday, October 29 12-1:30pm duPont Library, room 25L
Tuesday, November 2 6-7:30pm duPont Library, room 25L
Thursday, November 4 4-5:30pm Lynn Business Center, room 124

Stay curious,
Team ARC

Monday, October 18, 2010

ARC Trivia Answer 7

Week 7: Oct. 11th- 18th
Category: Political Science

Question: The French Revolution ended the Reign of which Monarch?

The answer is King Louis XVI! Thanks to all who particpated in last weeks trivia!

Stay curious,
Team ARC

ARC Trivia Question 8

Week 8: Oct. 18th- Oct. 25th
Category: Halloween Trivia

Where did Jack O'lanterns originate and why?

To answer the question post a comment with your name, Stetson ID, and of course the answer!!

Stay curious,
Team ARC

Monday, October 11, 2010

ARC Trivia Question 7

Week 7: Oct 11th-Oct 18th
Category: Political Science
The French Revolution ended the reign of which Monarch?
To answer post a comment with your name, student I.D., and of course the answer!!

Stay curious,
Team ARC

ARC Trivia Answer 6!

Week 6: 0ct. 4th-Oct 11th.
Category: Geography!
What two cities one in California the other in Australia are both known for their mild and fast-changing climates; and both are equal distances from the equator?
The answer is Melbourne, Australia and San Fransico, California!!

Stay curious,
Team ARC

Thursday, October 7, 2010

ARC student tip #2!

Alisa Ring is a junior transfer to Stetson University! Alisa's tip to her fellow students it's all about attitude. Those nifty to do list's and schedules you make for youself, can start to pile up, as can your homework! What you need to know is that it's better to get some of the list done then none at all, do what you can but don't overstress yourself. Spread out the work! Or maybe start a reward system for yourself, get the to do list done...well give yourself a cookie! Ha! Or better yet get it done and take a break...enjoy one of Stetson's many activities or go to the beach! So don't let your workload get the best of you!!!

Stay curious,

Team ARC

Monday, October 4, 2010

ARC Trivia Question 6

Week 6: Oct. 4th- Oct 11th
Category: Geography
What two cities one in California the other in Australia are known for mild and fast-changing climates and both have identical distances from the equator?

To answer the question post a comment with your name, Stetson ID, and of course the answer!!

Stay curious,
Team ARC

ARC Trivia Answer 5

Week 5 :Sept. 27th-Oct 4th
Category: Stetson/Deland History
What did Henry Addison Deland Manufacture in Fairport, New York before he came to Florida?
The answer is Baking Soda!!
Thanks for all who participated in the Trivia this week!

Stay curious,
Team ARC