Thursday, February 18, 2010

Theatre Trivia Question 3

A piece of unscripted action, often comic in intention, used to establish a character or fill a pause in dialogue is called what?

a. blocking
b. improv
c. fill
d. business

The answer is D, Business!

A playwrite may sometimes simply suggest "business" in the script to indicate the need for action at a certain point in the play. This directs gives directors and actors the freedom to decide what sort of "business" should be. Many trivia players picked B. improv, so let's explore the difference: improvisational theatre (also known as improv) is a form of theatre in which the improvisational actors/ improvisers use improvisational acting techniques to perform spontaneously; while an actor may be given the opportunity to improvise action to fill a scripted area of business, business may also be blocked and scripted by the director.

Stay curious,
Team ARC

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