Monday, April 23, 2012

Answer to Trivia Question #2 (Plus a helpful time management tip)

Before we reveal the answer to trivia question 2, Team ARC would like to offer everybody a time management tip that we believe can help tremendously in preparing for the end of the semester and exams! We like to call this tip "The GPA of Success."

The GPA of Success looks like this:

Goal—should reflect your wants and needs. Make it large and ambitious without being vague. Write it down!

Plan—lists the route you plan to take in order to reach your goal. It
should be efficient and specific. Good advice and personal
experience combine to create the most effective plans.

Action—brings your goal and your plan to life. Requires confidence,
Self-discipline, and a power over procrastination.

The "plan" section typically takes the shape of a detailed and organised to-do list.  So, in preparation for your finals, set some achievable goals, sketch out a detailed to-do list to make those goals happen, and then put those goals into action!

And now....the answer to Trivia Question 2!!

...The Titanic (Coincidentally, the 100 year anniversary of the sinking of the magnificent luxury ocean liner just passed!)

Stay tuned for another trivia question coming soon!

Stay Curious,
Team ARC

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