Monday, February 25, 2013

40 Extraordinary Things Happening Right Now

Have you ever thought what other people around the world might be doing right this very minute? There are tons of different things happening right now, things that you might not have thought about unless otherwise told. The website below points out some very interesting things that could change your outlook of today; for instance, "Someone who suffered from a severe injury last year is back on their feet." This is not something that we think about on a daily basis, but it is reassurance that obstacles can be overcome, you just need to be determined to overcome them.

Stay curious,
Team ASC

Monday, February 11, 2013

Ten Interesting Facts about Valentine's Day

With Valentine's Day fast approaching it's easy to associate this time of year with red heart-shaped decorations and chocolate exchanges but as it turns out there are many interesting facts about the popular holiday. For example, did you know that in Japan on February 14th only women get to gift their valentine? Men get to return the favor a month later on what is called "White day".

Check out some more interesting facts below!
Stay curious,
Team ASC