Friday, December 21, 2012

Vocabulary Improvement

What did you find interesting, curious or new about the article? Did you have any questions?


Peer Mentoring and Action Learning

Are there questions, comments or interesting things you would like to point out about this article?


Wednesday, December 12, 2012

A little bit of a distraction

With it being finals time, brains are getting to the point--if they are not there already--of being just a bit fried. As important as it is to study, it is also important to take a moment and relax. Relaxing helps the mind study more efficiently. So here, for your momentary relaxation, is a video or two of cute animals.  

Watch. Laugh. Enjoy.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Stetson's Next Top Archie

Here at the ASC, our mascot, Archie, has had some pretty cool outfits from time to time. He's been a Surfer Archie and he's been Waldo Archie. As we head into the next semester, we're looking for your help. What kind of Archie do you want to see in Spring 2013? Leave your comments below!
Stay Curious,
Team ASC

Friday, November 30, 2012

Mental Floss, a New Horizon for learning (and fun!)

Ever wanted to know any and everything that no one really needs to know unless you get on Jeopardy?

Why do fingers get pruney in the tub? 

How are pencils made?

Or perhaps you would like to know where to find a brief history of Nintendo. Regardless of your trivia fixation, MF has it all. Below, read a brief review from one of our work study students on the joys and benefits of random knowledge!

" is an interesting and fun place to learn new things. This website consists of interesting articles, cool fun facts and endless quizzes. Learning doesn't have to be boring and is a resource that makes learning fun. On it is easy to lose track of time and you will find yourself enjoying everything this website has to offer.
This website can be a very interesting and helpful tool if used correctly. The articles are an interesting way to learn about random and different things that are going on in the world and things that that have happened in the past. You may think that you don't need to know anything they have but you never know what information you may need one day, plus the information is fun to learn. gives boring facts a whole new vibe."