Monday, September 27, 2010

ARC Trivia Question 5

Week 5: Sept. 27th - Oct. 5th
Category: Deland/Stetson History

What did Henry Addison Deland manufacture in Fairport, New York before he came to Florida?

To answer post a comment, with your name, stetson Id, and of course the answer!!!

Stay curious,
Team ARC

ARC Trivia Answers 3 and 4

Week 3 Sept 12th - 20th
Category: FSEM
How did Beauty Travel back and forth between her home and the beast's castle?
-The beast gave her an enchanted mirror and ring. The mirror allows her to see what is going on back at beast's castle. The ring lets her return to the beast's castle when she turns it three times on her finger.
Week 4 Sept 20th-27th
Category: Chemistry
What is the only letter in the English alphabet that does not appear on the perodic table?
-J! Is the only letter that does not appear in the perodic table!!
Thanks for all those who participated in our weekly trivia.

Stay curious,
Team ARC

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Need a little pick-me-up?

Check out this video: Jessica's "Daily Affirmation"

Maybe we should all start our mornings this way!
Stay curious,
Team ARC

Monday, September 20, 2010

ARC Trivia Question 4

Week 4, Sept. 20th-27th
Category: Chemistry
What is the only letter in the English alphabet that does not appear on the Periodic Table?
To enter your answer, post a comment with your name, Studend ID, email address and answer!!

Stay curious,
Team ARC

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Student Tip of the Week

Anisa Jimenez is a sophomore at Stetson with a major in Psych and a minor in Education. Her first semester here was rough but she didn't let that pattern continue. Instead the second semester she found techniques and learning skills that best suited her, which lead to a drastic turn around for her GPA.

Her tip or key to success for fellow Stetson students is organization. It's all about being organized so that you can break your homework down into increments, that way it doesn't overwhelm you. It also means that the night before a major assignment or test, instead of cramming you'll be getting a good night's rest. To organize her life, Anisa makes use of planners and to do lists. She puts her due dates into the planner then breaks down how much work she should do each day so that everything gets done on time. There are many different strategies one can implement into his or her life to organize it, finding one that suits you will definitely boost your grades.

Stay curious,
Team ARC

Roy G. Biv

Having trouble remembering what Gorbachev did for the Soviet Union? Make up an acronym. What is an acronym, you ask. Well every letter in Roy G. Biv relates to a color in the visible spectrum (red, orange, yellow, blue, indigo, violet). This may take a little more time to come up with, but it might be a good way of remembering those really important facts that you just know you are going to be tested on.

…still wondering what the acronym is for Gorbachev? So am I dear blog reader…so am I.

Stay curious,
Team ARC

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

ARC trivia question 3

Week 3, September 12-20
Category: FSEM: Art & Politics of Fairytales: Brought to you by Dr. Jamil Khader

How did Beauty travel back and forth between her home and the Beast's castle?
To enter you answer,post a comment with your name, student ID, email address and answer!!
Stay curious,
Team ARC

ARC Presents:Style Savvy-Take the Quiz and Find Out Your Learning Style!

TODAY, September 14, 2010
Library, room 25L

Come see what kind of learner you are:
kinesthetic, visual, auditory, or intellectual. Then see how you can use this information to create a unique personalized study schedule that suits who YOU are!

Also, remember to bring your card
to get it stamped so that you can be entered into the drawing to win a Livescribe Smartpen!

Stay curious,
Team ARC

Monday, September 13, 2010

ARC Trivia Answer 2

Week 2, September 6 - 12
Category: Biology

What species of frog is able to revive itself back to normal life after staying completely frozen for months, during which its heart, brain and other organs stop functioning?

The answer is the Alaskan wood frog! Similar to other northern frogs that hibernate close to the surface in soil and/or leaf litter, wood frogs can tolerate the freezing of their blood and other tissues. Urea is accumulated in tissues in preparation for overwintering, and liver glycogen is converted in large quantities to glucose in response to internal ice formation. Both urea and glucose act as "cryoprotectants" to limit the amount of ice that forms and to reduce osmotic shrinkage of cells. Frogs can survive many freeze/thaw events during winter if not more than about 65% of the total body water freezes.

Check back later today for this week's trivia question!

Stay curious,
Team ARC

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

ARC Trivia Question 2

Week 2, September 6 - 12
Category: Biology

What species of frog is able to revive itself back to normal life after staying completely frozen for months, during which its heart, brain and other organs stop functioning?

To enter your answer, post a comment with your name, student ID, email address and answer!

Stay curious,
Team ARC

ARC Trivia Answer 1

Question 1, week of August 30-September 3
Category: American History

Besides the Nation's capital, how many states, counties, and cities are names in George Washington's honor?

The answer is 1 state, 31 counties and 17 cities, for a total of 49 locations named in his honor! We must note this is not counting the town of George in central Washington state, which would bring the count to 50 total!

Check back later today for this week's trivia question!

Stay curious,
Team ARC